Monday, April 27, 2015

Look for this to come stateside in the future

I recently read an article posted on the 'Express' news site (U.K.) that brought home a somewhat scary new practice across the pond.  It seems your circle of friends on social media aren't the only people interested in your vacation selfies and status updates.  In the age of public-facing personal commentaries, it seems that thieves and insurance companies are conspiring against you while you're enjoying time away from the rat race.  According to the article linked above, this new trend involves claims of theft or damage while a homeowner is blissfully snapping and typing away while sunning and funning.

Turns out the thieves are watching you enjoy the trip and plotting to rid you of your valuables in absentia.  At the same time, the home insurance companies are conspiring against you by also watching or examining your posts after you return home.  These companies are starting to deny insurance claims for theft or damage while you are away on vacation/business trips.

In all fairness to the insurers, having to pay out on a claim is painful to their bottom line...and yours as well (think higher premiums or cancellations).  I have no doubt that insurers here in the good 'ol U.S.A. will sooner-or-later find out about this trend and begin putting it into practice.

A word of advice if you plan on traveling...don't broadcast it to the whole world before or while you're away from home, but save it until you actually get home.  Other common sense planning would be to have your mail held at the post office, stop newspaper delivery, have a friend, trusted neighbor, or family member look-in every couple of days to pick-up any leaflets or other lawn debris that may have been left that could accumulate while you're away.

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